Laser Lipo

Laser lipo laser emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them through channels in the cell membranes. The fatty acids and glycerol are then transported to the tissues that will use them during metabolism to create energy and collected in the lymphatic system to be flushed by urine.

  • Penetrates Deeper Fat Tissue

  • 150% Larger Paddles

  • Faster Sessions

Before & After Results:

Frequently Asked Questions

Click below to see some of most common questions we are asked regarding Laser Lipo. Also,
if you have any other questions feel contact us and we will be happy to help.

Laser lipo is a new cosmetic procedure to remove body fat, claimed to be as effective as traditional liposuction without a hospital stay.
A consultation is always needed as this will give us a chance to assess your requirements and will help us to understand what results you are looking for so we can find the perfect solution for you.  On the day of your treatment do not consume any alcohol, fizzy drinks or caffeine. Avoid heavy meals immediately before and after treatment. We recommend drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day during your course of cavitation treatments.
Each session is around 20 Minutes. Treating multiple areas is not advisable as the body has to work hard to remove the excess fat that is now passing through the Lymphatic system to the liver and may also not be effective. Follow the rule, of one area, one treatment every 72 hours and you will see rapid results. Most clients found the treatment to be very comfortable and trouble-free. Some clients experience warmth during the treatment and a small amount of noise discomfort, but there is no pain.
The number of sessions depends on the client’s age and skin condition. While you will see immediate results in the first session, typically 8 sessions is required for optimum results. Clients who go through a series of treatments will see an improvement each time the treatment is performed.
The body eliminates the fat of single a session in approximately 3-5 days, so we recommend an interval of around one week between each session.
To maintain the results it is important to follow a healthy low calorie diet and exercise regularly. It is also important to drink 8 glasses of water a day before and after the treatment. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water your drink therefore, water is key component to eliminating the fat.
There is a slight possibility of mild side effects such as transient redness, excessive thirst, and nausea immediately after the treatment which always resolves by drinking water. They are all short-term effects that disappear in few hours to few days. Even though the studies have proven the treatment safe, the cavitation is not be used in clients with an acute illness, compromised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pacemakers, or during pregnancy.
Yes. We do like to inform our clients that the uses for the Lipo Laser equipment described in our literature and on our website is not approved by the FDA for body contouring. Lipo Laser treatment is a safe way to reduce those unwanted bulges. Thousands have been treated with no complications. By participating in our program, you are consenting to an off label treatment protocol developed by our Medical Director. A complete consent to treatment form will be required before treatment begins.

If you have any other questions, please contact us